Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 9, 2010

Family of boys

This summer has gone by way too fast. Truman is now 6 weeks old, and FIN has gone through an entire summer camp, and starts his pre-school program in a couple weeks.
Truman had his 1 month checkup on his 6 week b-day. So the stats aren't totally fair, but here they are:
Weight 12.3 lb - 90th percentile
Height 23" - 50th percentile
Head: 50th percentile
FIN - you breezed through the JCYS summer camp like a champ. You met some new friends, your communication skills have come along so great! Its hard to recount everything that has gone on this summer, but most important is I look fabulous - oh I mean, we are all healthy and just happy enjoying each other!
Here is a picture of Truman at 6 weeks; a picture of Truman and FIN under the baby Einstein mobile (Truman 6 weeks; FIN 2 yr, 9 mos); and Truman and daddy.

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