Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

T is for Trouble and F is for Fun

Here is our lame attempt at some family pictures. Everyone looks tired & cranky! Maybe that's because our house wakes up at 5:30am. I swear I don't hear any roosters, but when I find the bastard, I'm gonna emasculate it and fry it up. Oh how I love my crazy boys. Never a dull moment. Truman - your word of the month is "THAT". Everything is THAT and you want it yesterday!
FIN - you are now in soccer, super hero class, and pre-school. Can you say mama is a taxi?
Love you guys! Time to get you from school kiddo!

1 comment: said...

hahaha!!! you've coined a great title for this post! Looking at your young family, I'm getting to eager to have my own! ))